Try SEMrush Pro account free trial for 7 days (worth $139.95).
Test drive SEMrush guru free trial for 7 days (worth $249.95).
Benefits of SEMrush trial account:
With SEMrush, you don’t need dozens of SEO & SEM tools for your marketing needs.
SEMrush marketing suite includes what you need to get profitable keywords, find opportunities to grow, and make money.
AskEustache readers can exclusively avail of an extended SEMrush free trial account.
Get 7 days of SEMrush pro free (valued at $139.95).
You’ll save dozens of hours and hundreds of dollars spent on SEO. Create your account now and learn how to use it fully below.

What you can do with SEMrush:
Keyword Research: Find hundred of keyword ideas grouped by topic, sort by volume, CPC, analyze top-ranking pages, etc…
SEO writing: Get keywords and SEO suggestions to write better content optimized to rank on search results.
Competitive research: Analyze every digital step of your competitors, find gaps and outperform them.
Site Audit: Find and fix SEO issues hurting your site. (technical, On-page, and toxic backlinks).
SEMrush Pricing & Discounts
SEMrush pro plan costs $139.95 per month. The SEMrush guru plan costs $249.95. You can get a free extended trial with the SEMrush promo code embedded into our exclusive link.
To get SEMrush discounts, when you upgrade after your trial, pay for an entire year and save up to $800.
How do you avail of the free extended SEMrush trial?
Step 1.- Go to to avail SEMrush trial account. This link already has a SEMrush promo code applied. You don’t need to enter any discount code.

Step 2.- Click on “Start a 7-day free trial” and create your account. You just have to enter your email, and a chosen password, and click on “Create your SEMrush account”.

Step 3.- On the next page, you’re required to enter your credit card information to avail of the trial. You won’t be charged for the first 7 days. You can cancel your account anytime. You also have 7 days after the first charge to refund. It’s risk-free.

SEMrush will verify your credit card with a “$1” transaction. They will reverse that money once verified.

Step 4.- use SEMrush to grow your business. If you don’t want to keep using it, it’s easy to cancel your account. You’ll be downgraded to free which is very limited but still useful.
SEMrush Pro or Guru Account Free Trial?
You can opt for a SEMrush pro trial or Guru trial account.
The Guru plan includes an extension of everything inside the SEMrush Pro + Content marketing platform. It cost $249.95 per month.
SEMrush Pro | SEMrush Guru |
10,000 results per report | 30,000 results per report |
3,000 reports per day | 5,000 reports per day |
3 Projects | 15 Projects |
track 500 keywords | track 1,500 keywords |
post scheduling on 10 social profiles | post scheduling on 30 social profiles |
2 Topic searches | Unlimited topic searches |
Monitor 50 social profiles | Monitor 100 social profiles |
How to take full advantage of your SEMrush free trial?
I procrastinated when I first started with my SEMrush 7 days pro trial. My mistakes.
But you… I want you to take full advantage of your free SEMrush trial. Do the following things:
Set up SEMrush projects to fix SEO issues and find opportunities for growth
With SEMrush projects, you’ll uncover hidden opportunities to grow your website traffic and income.
Open your new SEMrush account and click on the “Project +” button.
Enter your domain name without www. Give your project a name. Then, click on “Create”.
Here are what you’ll get:
Site Audit: Find technical SEO mistakes once they appear and fix them.
Position Tracking: Get the visibility of your website for a particular keyword in search results. Track your keywords ranking.
Social Media Tracker: Track your social media accounts and even competitors’ social accounts. Analyze and find strategies to reach more people.
Social Media Poster: Find the best time when your following is online on social media and schedule your posts to be published at the right time with SEMrush.
Brand Monitoring: Tracking specific keywords and your brand mention online. It’s a huge opportunity to find new backlinks when bloggers are talking about you and not linking to you. You can also monitor conversations where you can take part in and acquire customers.
Backlink Audit: audit links from sites pointing to your site. Find and reclaim lost backlinks. Find and remove toxic backlinks that may harm your site ranking.
Link Building: You enter your desired keywords and a list of websites which you can try to get a backlink from. You get outreach templates and tools to send your emails inside SEMrush.
Content Audit: Track your content, especially guest posts, for social shares and referral traffic.
and more…
The results you’ll get from those projects will make you love SEMrush. But by creating projects, you’re only scratching the surface of your SEMrush trial account.
Find trending topics to write about and keywords to get your content found.
To get more visibility that will result in more income from your blog, you need to go after the right keywords.
SEMrush gives you the tools you need to find high-paying keywords and niches to monetize your website.
The first one is the keyword overview.
1.- You enter a keyword in the search bar and SEMrush gives you an overview of that keyword. You get related keywords and the top 10 sites ranked for that keyword.
If you click on any of the ten results, you’ll get all keyword variations the same page is ranked for. They are all keywords search engines consider to have the same intent that the article fits in. It’s a huge opportunity to find synonyms and different key phrases for your topic.
If you click on the view more buttons, you’ll find more related key phrases. Click on a keyword for analysis, you’ll go to the second tool, Keyword Magic Tool. You’ll find groups your keywords grouped, analyze traffic potential, and select your desired keywords to create a list for your articles.
With Keyword Manager, you can create up to 50 lists of keywords. It helps when you find new keyword intent while searching keywords for another article. You can add the newfound keywords to a new list and keep doing what you do… you stay focused and productive… without spreadsheets.
2.- Another tool is “Topic Research”.
You’ll get market data on the most popular questions, the most shared content on social media for that topic, kind of traffic that attracts the most backlinks.
You’ll find topics to cover to build a content hub and get higher rankings on Google.
Optimize your articles to rank higher in SERPs and for more keywords.
SEMrush gives you at least 3 tools to write better content to rank on search engines.
It gives you an SEO Content template with keywords to add to your content, a site to get backlinks from, etc…
SEO Writing assistant acts like an SEO Content template but you get live recommendations as you type and check for plagiarism.
With the On-page SEO checker, you get recommendations to optimize your existing content based on the top 10 ranking sites for defined keywords.
Research your competitors to find new keywords, topics, and backlink ideas.
You can analyze your market with your SEMrush trial. Find who’s your direct or indirect competitor. Analyze their strategy and find new opportunities.
You’ll find keywords and backlinks you may go after with respectively the keyword and backlink gap tools. You can use the tools to analyze the traffic of your potential affiliates before you approve them.
As we saw, you can do a lot of things with your free SEMrush trial account. Most people trying SEMrush adopt it as their go tool for digital marketing. SEMrush is used by more than 5,000,000 users. But if for whatever reason you want to cancel, here’s how:
How to cancel SEMrush Free trial?
To cancel your SEMrush account, you have two options:
- send an email directly to SEMrush asking them to cancel your account.
- Open your SEMrush dashboard, go to your profile > subscription info > billing > hover “recurring: Active” and click the contact us link.
The advantage of the second option is that it has needed info.

What’s SEMrush’s refund policy?
SEMrush has a 7-day refund policy after your first charge.
If you forgot to cancel and don’t want to pay, you have 7 days after your trial ends to get your money back with the instructions given above.
How SEMrush compare to alternatives?
SEMrush is an all-in-one digital marketing suite. Alternatives can be keyword research tools, competitor analysis tools, social scheduling and monitoring tools, and SEO content optimization tools.
Comparing SEMrush will these competitors, you’ll find areas where they do the job better than SEMrush. But you’ll be paying for each of them individually.
With SEMrush, you save money by paying for a single product that can do the job really well.
Let’s take some examples:
SEMrush vs AHrefs: AHrefs is better than SEMrush at finding broken links for link building. But SEMrush has more keyword data, gives you social media tools, and helps you analyze anyone’s advertising campaign. Things AHrefs can’t do. You save money using SEMrush and you still can find broken links. This task just takes more time.
SEMrush Social Media Toolkit vs Tailwind: Tailwind helps you schedule pins on Pinterest, it gives you analytics for all pins from your domain pinned by anyone.
With SEMrush, you just get analytics for pins you added to Pinterest. But you also get social posting and monitoring for Twitter, Facebook LinkedIn, Google my Business, and Instagram.
You save money and save time. The social media toolkit is included in your SEMrush plan, at no extra expense.
While I do recommend these products too because they are good, if you’re going to use one product, I highly recommend SEMrush for your digital marketing tasks.
You can get this exclusive offer from SEMrush & AskEustache to get a SEMrush trial version free for 7 days.
Test drive SEMrush free with a 7-Day trial
Generally, SEMrush gives you 7 days to try their services. Use this exclusive link to test drive SEMrush for 7 days free.
SEMrush is an all-in-one marketing suite you can use to:
- Find hundreds of keyword ideas, create keyword lists without spreadsheets, and analyze keywords to select the best you should go after for more traffic and revenue.
- Optimize your site content with tailored SEO recommendations, and find and fix SEO issues for better rankings.
- Find backlinks opportunities, get outreach templates, and send your email right inside SEMrush.
- Analyze your market to find business opportunities.
- schedule social media posts on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest at the right time.
Use this exclusive link to get 7 days of SEMrush pro trial.
Use this exclusive link to get 7-days of SEMrush guru trial.